Want to have better sex tonight?

See Details Below...


Dave’s a healthy 48-year-old guy who busts his butt 5 days a week as a regional manager for an electronics supply company…

He’s been married for 17 years, has 2 kids, and a black Labrador named “Licorice” that he loves to take hunting during duck season.

To all his neighbors, co-workers, and friends… Dave’s a typical, middle-aged American man…

But that’s not what his wife sees…

Despite the fact that he’s totally average looking and has a soft “dad bod”...

She practically views Dave as the incarnation of the god Eros…

...a sexual superhero
who reliably delivers a buffet of orgasmic delights most women have heard are possible…

But never experienced!

While most women who’ve been married for nearly 2 decades drift off to sleep from reading a novel…

Dave’s wife passes out in a puddle of sweat and satisfaction… barely able to move from the
waves of thigh-shivering orgasms that have gripped her body…

Every morning he wakes up to the smell of fresh buttermilk pancakes and a satisfied song of hums streaming from her lips as she cooks him breakfast…

He sits down to a tall stack, loaded up with hot melted butter and local maple syrup…

...she greets him with a broad smile and cheerfully asks if there’s anything else she can get him before she leaves to drop their kids off at school.

If 98% of modern American men accidently stumbled into his kitchen… they’d think they were transported back to 1956.

When men were viewed with respect and needed by the women in their lives...

...when the hard work at the office they did to put food on the table and the hours they gave up on the weekend to mow the lawn were looked at as meaningful.

Dave has the kind of marriage that would make most men jealous…

Yet, the most surprising part of all is that before I met him just over one year ago... Dave had absolutely
NO IDEA that his experience was out of the ordinary!

He told me that he’s never had to work on injecting passion into his sex life… it’s just a “normal” part of everyday reality for him…

Now Meet Carl...

Carl is the same age as Dave…

Like Dave, Carl is hardworking, earns the same amount of money, is a devoted father, and coaches his daughter’s softball team on the weekends…

However, unlike Dave… Carl’s wife bickers with him and nags him constantly…

She barely makes the time to order takeout… let alone make him a home cooked breakfast.

And the slightest gesture he makes to get physical with her… any little touch of the hand, any attempt to wrap his arms around her, even trying to kiss her on the lips…

She rolls her eyes at him and pushes him away…

When I met Carl about 6 months ago, he told me that things had gotten so bad for him that he was starting to think that divorce was INEVITABLE

He’d lay awake at night with his mind spinning in circles…

...and he thought about the hurt, humiliation and financial ruin that faces him if his wife decides to leave him...

Just the idea of having some judge decide what holiday he gets to see his kids on was enough to make him lose sleep…

So what that’s the difference between Dave and Carl?

How is one living in marital paradise with a wife that doesn’t just screw his brains out every night of the week…

But looks up to him, adores him lovingly, and would do anything to please him?

...while the other lives in a sexless union on the verge of becoming another divorce statistic?

Simple… it’s just one thing…

Breathtaking, Body-Spasming, Reality Altering ORGASMS!

If there’s a single skill a man could have that gets his wife or girlfriend to stop nagging him and show her sweet, feminine side more often…

If there’s one gift he could give her that would keep him from ever having to worry that he might lose her to someone else…

If there were a fool proof way to make a woman not just want sex, but CRAVE it and insist upon it every night of the week...

It’s the ability to make her COME SO HARD and in so many different ways... that she practically loses consciousness.

Look, you can screw up most other stuff…

You can forget her birthday, leave your socks on the floor every morning, you can even be unemployed…

But if you BRING IT in the bedroom…

Every, single time…

To the point where she’s convulsing in fits of orgasmic rapture…

She’ll put up with A LOT and not just stick by you, but show you devotion, loyalty and respect!

Give me just 2 minutes of your time…

And I’ll show you how I reverse engineered a simple way to become an almost supernatural lover…

...capable of giving ANY woman not just 1 but 4 types of orgasms that will wake her sex drive up from its long slumber…

That will get her to look at you with big, sparkling eyes of adoration and RESPECT.

And will obliterate the nagging, bickering, and plain unfeminine personality you might have noticed take over the sweet, caring woman you fell in love with.

But just before we get into that, and I tell you how I met Dave and discovered the secrets I’m about to share...

You’re probably wondering…

Who The Hell Am I… And Why Should You Listen to Me?

My name is Lloyd Lester and I’m an internationally respected sex coach, best-selling author, and trainer in the field of male sexuality.

Over the past decade my trainings have been directly responsible for creating breakthrough results in the sex lives of over 28,405 men all around the world.

Famous thought leaders, sexuality coaches, and relationship experts from all across the globe recognize my unique methods and endorse my trainings…

Check out what just a few of them have had to say:

"Lloyd Lester is one of my colleagues that I never hesitate to recommend because his methods are grounded in an entirely different philosophy from mine, so they’re a great compliment. And secondly, because his stuff flat out works.

Alex Allman

the creator of the acclaimed program Revolutionary Sex

“The sad reality is that most so-called ‘sex experts’ haven’t got a clue.

Fortunately in a sea of ‘fake experts’ there are a few great teachers who truly ‘get it.’ Who know how to satisfy women in the real world and more importantly, know how to teach other guys to do the same.

Lloyd Lester is one of those men.”

Adam Armstrong 

master sex coach and founder of TheNewAlpha.com

"Wanna get really good in bed? Add Lloyd’s techniques to your arsenal of bedroom moves. He has a treasure chest of pleasure techniques I’ve never seen. We’ve been friends and compatriots for over a decade.”

Susan Bratton 

trusted Hot Sex Advisor, TV Celebrity, CEO of Personal Life Media, Inc. and creator of world famous programs like Revive Her Drive

So I think it’s safe to say that I’m no stranger to sex techniques that can deliver awe-inspiring pleasure to any couple’s bedroom…

But it wasn’t until I met Dave that I understood just how much more powerful and skilled he was as a lover when compared to the “average” man…

And I’ve seen with my own eyes how important consistent, mind-blowing sexual experiences are to keeping a relationship strong...

To making sure that the desire and passion stay white-hot, and even to make sure that she respects you and holds a special place for you in her heart.

Now, you might be wondering how I know these things about Dave, about such intimate, private details of his life that even his parents don’t know about him…

And the crazy thing is… I didn’t originally hear these things from Dave…

Breathtaking, Body-Spasming, Reality Altering ORGASMS!

I Heard Them From His WIFE!

Despite the fact that I’d helped thousands of men have better sex lives…

I was also aware of how appallingly common low sex or no sex relationships really are.

I wanted to discover once and for all why sexless or low sex relationships were so common after the “honeymoon period.”

And to solve this mystery I decided that I would start by talking to women...

But I didn’t just want to talk to ANY women, I wanted to talk to women who were...

DEEPLY Satisfied With Their Sex Lives…

I decided they needed to meet 3 criteria:

  • They have been in a relationship with their boyfriend or husband for at least 5 years.
  • They have sex with their men at least 4 times per week.
  • They describe their sex lives as “just as good or even better” than when they first met their men.

I poked and prodded tell-all forums and private Facebook groups where women aired their “dirty laundry” and told the good, the bad, and the ugly about their relationships…

And even more importantly… about their sex lives.

I was floored by how willing they were to open up and tell all…

At one point I counted and I’d spoken to over 3 dozen women about the most intimate part of their lives...

But in the end… I only found one woman who fit all 3 criteria.

Dave’s Wife…

Not Only Did She And Dave Have a Blissful, Passionate Sex Life That Would Put Most Couples to Shame…

The way she talked about him, how she admired him, and how she looked up to him and trusted him in EVERY way…

It wasn’t just eye opening… it was touching!

Now, I’m no stranger to a satisfying sex life… given what I do for a living I have to know my stuff.

But what I heard absolutely floored me!

I just had to meet this man that she talked about like the second coming.

Now, it was a journey in and of itself getting her to make even an email introduction…

But I eventually succeeded…

And that’s how I originally met Dave (though that’s not his real name obviously).

Now, here’s the thing about Dave that struck me shortly after I started talking with him…

He was CLUELESS that his sex life was so good.

Of course he couldn’t help but hear a few other guys complain about their wives and girlfriends…

But he didn’t realize how epidemic sexless relationships and marriages were.

It was a bit of a shock to him actually… but after I filled him in, he started to open up a lot more.

I told him about my mission, about how I wanted to make sexless relationships extinct, and how I wanted to help men and the women that loved them have EPIC sex lives.

Now, at this point I realized something about Dave… he was what I call “a Natural”...

A Guy Who Delivers Spine Tingling Sex

Automatically And Naturally...

Naturals are rare… I’d only run across a handful of them in my years as a top sexuality coach for men…

…and even then they were nothing like Dave.

Because Dave wasn’t just any, old Natural… he was a “Super Natural”.

A man so gifted with transcendent erotic powers that the sexual pleasures he gave his woman changed her reality.

Famous Super Naturals from history include Casanova, Lord Byron, and the Latin Poet Ovid.

But make no mistake, unlike rock gods and movie stars, these men weren’t loved by women because they were famous…

They were famous BECAUSE women loved them!

And here I had actually met one… a living, breathing, in the flesh Super Natural.

Here I had an incredible opportunity to study this rare specimen of a lover in real time...

To decode his secrets and formulate exactly what it was that made him so amazing in the bedroom...

I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity… I had to convince Dave to give me a chance to unravel exactly what it was that made him such a unique and special lover…

And give struggling men everywhere the chance to experience a little more happiness and a LOT more bedroom satisfaction.

So I did something unprecedented…

I Paid Him $5000 to Unravel His Secrets...

Now, here’s why this was both a little bit crazy on my part… and a lot risky.

First off, I’m great at what I do… I have a small legion of satisfied men (and the women who love them) to show for it…

And I earn a comfortable living… but I’m not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.

So $5000 is A LOT of money for me!

Second… I had no idea at the time what I might discover.

I didn’t know if it was even possible to decode what guys like Dave do that makes them so special…

And even if I could… I didn’t know if I’d be able to break it down into a systematic approach that could be taught to men all over the world.

Maybe I’d just discover that like Tiger Woods’ swing or the leaping ability of Lebron James… it could be analyzed but not easily replicated.

But I knew that I’d likely never have a chance like this again… a chance to study a real life, bona fide Super Natural

So I was willing to take the risk.

And when I told Dave about my plan, and the possible impact it could have on the happiness of couples all over the world...

He agreed to be my “guinea pig.”

I spent 12 Weeks Trying to Demystify His Moves…

I wanted to know what he did for exercise, how he initiated sex, and even how he thought…

By the end of our 4th session together, after I’d spent over 8 hours trying to pry open the most intimate part of his life…

...I still didn’t know what made him so special as a lover.

What Dave did was so natural to him… he just couldn’t really put it into words...

He didn’t do anything special to stay in shape… just some pushups and the occasional jog around the neighborhood...

He didn’t know some “magical spell” that made his wife uncontrollably horny or some “mystical touch” that drove her crazy with desire…

He was confident and knew his way around his wife’s body but there wasn’t any kind of special psychology or mindset that he used…

Finally, in the middle of our 5th session together… when I was really starting to give up hope if I’m being honest…

Dave accidentally let something slip that blew the mystery wide open…

And Led Me to Unscramble

The Mystery Behind His Bedroom Magic…

He simply mentioned that he liked to switch up and give his wife different orgasms when they made love…

Now, to him… this was something “obvious” but my brain was buzzing with curiosity…

“Wait a minute,” I said… “what do you mean by different orgasms?

After a little bit more digging and explanation on Dave’s behalf I was finally able to get him to explain…

...in clear details that any guy could understand, what he did to drive his wife wild.

It turns out that Dave had a mastery over his woman’s body, a way of synthesizing powerful climaxes into a symphony of pleasure that was almost uncanny…

Not only did he have complete mastery over not just one but FOUR different unique orgasmic experiences…

He could read his wife’s body, and anticipate which of these thigh-quivering forms of pleasure she needed to feel

And give them to her on DEMAND… over and over again until her eyes glazed over and her body became drenched with sexual satisfaction.

Now, to Dave… this was a regular weeknight in the bedroom.

But I knew that he had just revealed a powerful secret that could transform any man into a lover worthy of worship by his woman.

Twice a week, we would get together on a video call and I would have him describe everything to me in detail…

Sometimes the calls went on for hours when he really got on a roll…

Often times I had to stop him so he could give me a “slow motion” explanation of what he meant.

Gradually a picture of his natural sexual genius started to emerge… and I began to break down how he “did his thing.”

When I had decoded just the first of his 4 unique skills… his method for delivering body-quaking squirting orgasms…

I was so excited to test it out…

I Was Literally Shaking With Anticipation

to Give it a Spin…

I haven’t been that excited to try out a new toy since I got my first remote control car for Christmas when I was 10 years old…

I’d seen squirting orgasms in porn… but I always thought they were overblown.

Some kind of camera trick to create a fantasy and sell skin flicks.

And quite honestly, the first time I made my wife squirt… it wasn’t like what you see in porn.

It was more a trickle than a gush… but the impact it had on her was no less profound.

She didn’t like it… she absolutely LOVED IT!

The next time I talked with Dave I gave him all the nitty gritty details and he gave me some feedback I could use to make things even better.

Now, my wife and I already had the best sex life of any couple I knew…

However after I decoded Dave’s squirting techniques…

We Started Tearing Into Each Other

Like A Couple of Hormone-Drenched Teenagers…

I stopped needing to set the mood or even use any escalation tactics…

I didn’t even need to take nearly as much time with foreplay…

Something about the quality, frequency and intensity of the orgasms I was giving my wife provoked an unrestrained sexual animal inside of her.

Each night, she couldn’t wait to drag me off to the bedroom and let me have my way with her.

But breaking down the 4 orgasmic skills into a natural and intuitive method to give mind blowing pleasure was just the beginning…

The rubber hit the road when I started to unravel the true mystery behind Dave’s mastery…

The way he synthesized each type of orgasm into a unique “symphony of sexual pleasure”...

A way to take something good and make it almost supernatural...

Finally, after 12 long weeks I had completed everything and tested it out in my own sex life…

The result was hotter, longer, and more frequent sex and orgasms for both me and my wife...

But I Wanted To Make Sure My Experience Wasn’t A Fluke…

That These Methods Really Could Be Used By ANYONE…

I reached out to my following to find a beta tester who could validate that I’d “cracked the code”...

After a little vetting, I found the perfect guy… Carl!

Carl was the guy who felt like his marriage was crumbling before his eyes...

The strange thing was… Carl and Dave were alike in almost EVERY single way…

They were both the same age, they’d each been married the same amount of time, they even drove the EXACT same make and model of car!

Except that, unlike Dave… Carl had a miserable sex life.

It’d been so long since he had sex… he honestly couldn’t even remember it.

And even if he could… in his own words “it was so short and forgettable it might as well have never happened.”

So I let Carl test drive the system I’d developed with Dave.

I wanted to get his honest, no-holds barred feedback on it.

Less than a week later, he sent me a message:

Lloyd, I tried out the position tricks you gave me and I can’t believe how well they worked!

My wife came so hard… she actually woke up our 3-year-old! After getting our child back to sleep… she led me down to our basement which is soundproofed so we could go another round!

That’s the first time in our married life she’s ever wanted to go again! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this… you’ve almost certainly saved my marriage!

Now, Carl has continued to update me in the time since, with his experience since developing the other 3 of the 4 skills…

And things have only continued to get better for him.

Like me, he and his wife now enjoy hotter, more frequent sex and a vastly improved relationship.

They’ve decided to take a second honeymoon to the Bahamas this winter.

So at this point...

I Knew I Was Onto Something...

But I wanted to be 100% certain that any man could get his hands on this method…

And quickly transform himself into a powerful, confident lover… a rare man who inspires lust, respect, and even devotion...

So I reached out to my tribe for a small group of men to test the concepts out.

I found 6 men eager to beta test it and prove once and for all that it could forge them into naturals… men with uncanny sexual prowess.

When they discovered the 4 sexual superpowers to set a woman’s flesh on fire with white hot lust… they were blown away.

But when I showed them how to combine them together to orchestrate works of art in their bedrooms...

They became completely different men!

They were more confident, more satisfied, and they definitely got a lot of extra special treatment from their women.

The method I had painstakingly reverse engineered with the help of a real-life “Super Natural” could transform men into a gifted lover who inspires worship in ANY woman lucky enough to share his bed...


The O4 Method™

4 Sexual Superpowers For Body-Rocking Orgasms

The O4 Method™ is the first and only training of its kind anywhere in the world and it’s designed to do just one thing…

Transform you into a rare and gifted lover who doesn’t just make his woman orgasm… but moves her mind, body, and soul.

Just take a second to imagine that instead of your woman batting your arm away every time you try and touch her in the bedroom…

That she can’t wait to feel the magical, mind-melting pleasure that you have in store for her once the lights go out.

How about the confidence and satisfaction of delivering a merry-go-round of body-shivering orgasms so intense she can’t move, speak or think when you’re done with her?

Just think about the stress that would evaporate from your life if you didn’t have to waste energy trying to diffuse her bickering…

...or deal with her getting irrationally angry over seemingly nothing?

What about the simple joy of feeling like the lady in your life looks up to you once again with respect and devotion...

Like you’re the kind of man she relies on to protect her, provide for her, and defend her against the dangers of the world?

You might not expect that your ability to bring it between the sheets would make your life so much fuller and stress free…

But this is EXACTLY what men all around the world have experienced once they’ve awakened their women to the soul-quaking pleasure that used to be the exclusive domain of naturally gifted men…

And today… that very same ability, the rare skill of a true natural who can change any woman’s world with other-worldly orgasmic pleasure can be yours…

But just before I give you this opportunity to have this coveted power as your very own…

Let’s Take A Peek Inside The O4 Method™ So You Can See For

Yourself How Completely It Will Transform Your Sex Life…

Your transformation with The O4 Method™ is composed of 4 different modules… each designed to give you “Jedi Knight” abilities in 4 unique orgasmic domains...

Your journey will begin with…

Module 1:

Squirt Tsunami: A Paint-By-Numbers Guide To Gushing Orgasms

This is your paint-by-numbers guide to delivering one of the most elusive and satisfying forms of sexual pleasure that either of you can possibly feel…

Body rocking, sheet-soaking, squirting orgasms...

Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

  • Why the tired advice to make a “come hither” motion with your fingers can actually backfire and prevent a woman from squirting and what you should do instead…
  • Why her mind and mood are more important to getting her to gush than any special mechanical movements (don’t worry… this isn’t some “dirty talk” method… it’s a simple way to prepare her mind to enjoy squirting pleasure)…
  • A 5-minute workout you can do in your bedroom that will double your chances of making her squirt (I was blown away when I discovered this… and she will be too)…
  • The “Hidden Clitoris” - A mass of ultra-sensitive tissue inside of every woman that will make her squirt like a Super Soaker (Only 2% of men even know this exists… so you’ll be in a very exclusive club)…
  • A strange “walking motion” that stimulates her g-spot better than anything else (even specially designed toys!)…
  • The “C to G” combo that will wake up her g-spot and make her clamor to feel intense and hard pounding stimulation (this is perfect for women who don’t like g-spot stimulation)…
  • A simple modification to boring missionary style that will unleash streams of sheet soaking pleasure… even if she never had a normal orgasm during sex…

I could keep going… this is just a taste of what you’ll discover inside of Squirt Tsunami that will turn your bedroom in a hot, wet adventure more exciting than your first trip to a water park…

But we still have to cover what you’ll discover in…

Module 2:

Finger Frenzy: How To Strum Her To Orgasmic Ecstasy

It’s no secret… women love a man who knows how to use his hands with skill and finesse.

Which is why in Module 2, we’re going to strip away all the BS and teach you how to strum your woman into fits of orgasmic frenzy that last for so long and so intensely…

…her stomach will hurt from the force of the contractions.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll discover inside:

  • The “Inside Out” method that stimulates deep and highly sensitive erogenous zones inside of her that she’s never felt with ANY other man (99.9% of all women have never felt this before… but the sensation will drive her frothing with delight)…
  • The “Palm Pilot” method to douse her clitoris with a torrent of high intensity stimulation so pleasurable she might lose consciousness (plus, why you’ll want some water by the bed for when she comes around)…
  • A simple trick I call “Stated Desire” to get her to tell you what she wants without sounding weak and needy (most guys screw this up and turn their women off… don’t be one)…
  • The “Clitoral Swirl” technique to summon a wave of intense sexual pleasure she literally CANNOT get used to (15, 25, even 50 orgasms in a row are possible… she’ll think of you like a SEX GOD)…
  • 3 common fingering techniques to NEVER use (unless you like sexless nights)…
  • Powerful “Erotic Amplifiers” that increase her sensitivity and ability to perceive pleasure… making her many times more orgasmic than she is now (this is more potent than 10,000 “sex techniques” yet less than 1% of men focus on it)…

And much, much more…

Next we’ll move on to…

Module 3:

Oral Extrav-O-ganza: Techniques For Giving Her Sensational Oral Pleasure

Even if you think you hate giving oral sex… you’ll love this guide!

The pleasure you’ll awaken will make her not just willing, but EAGER to please you back and indulge your deepest, dirtiest fantasies.

Here’s a little taste (no pun intended) of what you’ll discover:

  • Why very sexually experienced men often totally suck at oral... even if they enjoy doing it… and how to turn your weakness into strength…
  • A unique way of communicating with her that lets her zero in with intense focus and concentration… making explosive oral orgasms inevitable…
  • The “Steady State” lap and curl method guaranteed to drive her wild (and making her eager to please you back)…
  • The “Pleasure Primer” game you can play with her to discover exactly how to lick her to send her over the edge (no sex toy on earth can deliver this much pleasure… but this simple technique will)…
  • Why licking her clitoral hood is the least effective way to give her a thigh-shivering orgasm… and what to do instead…
  • The “Dirty Dragonfly” method to deliver more pleasure with your tongue in 10 seconds than your hands or penis can in 30 minutes (guaranteed to send her over the edge and get you some special treatment of your own)…
  • Think that oral pleasure should only be an “appetizer”? Think again… try out this unique method of oral stimulation after penetration and she’ll shriek with delight…

And I’m just scratching the surface of what you’re about to discover in Oral Extrav-O-ganza…

It is THE definitive formula for using your tongue to deliver more pleasure than most women feel in 10 lifetimes…

But we’re still not done yet… because you’re finally ready for…

Module 4:

Penetrating Pleasures: Make Her Gasp With Every Inch Of You Throbbing Inside Her

Now you’ve mastered a suite of 3 different sexual skills guaranteed to elevate you to sex god status in the mind of ANY woman lucky enough to share a bed with you…

You’re ready for a series of moves to deliver the deeply satisfying vaginal orgasms that most women have never experienced through intercourse.

No orgasmic sensation will bond her to you and make you her personal hero more than this one.

Which is why in Module 4 you’ll discover:

  • Why 70% of women NEVER achieve a vaginal orgasm… and a way to find out if your woman has (Hint: yes, you need to ask her but in a way that doesn’t make you look needy and makes her feel good about telling you the truth)…
  • Are vaginal O’s just clitoral O’s… we’ll weigh in on this controversy and why it matters for you…
  • A simple “cupping technique” you can perform while thrusting that will double the chances of giving her a penetration orgasm…
  • The “3 Pattern Tension” technique that will tell you how to thrust into her to bring her to an orgasm…
  • The one position you must use if your lady has never had a vaginal orgasm to all but guarantee it happens (scientific studies prove this delivers loads of stimulation but few men even know it exists)…
  • Why playing video games can increase the chances of you giving her a vaginal orgasm by 312% (plus, other enjoyable hobbies that will make you insanely good in bed)…
  • The only 2 sex toys you’ll ever need to vastly improve her vaginal pleasure without having her credit the toy instead of YOU (Now you can elevate her pleasure without the threat of losing center stage)…

Next… we’re going to put everything together in…

Module 5:

Sexual Synergy: Synthesizing Your 4 Sexual Superpowers

Here’s where we’re going to put everything all together…

If I were to give you just the 4 sexual superpowers… you’d have everything you need to make your lady quiver…

But now you’re ready to synergistically combine what you’ve discovered to become the most powerful sexual creature ANY woman could ever meet.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll discover inside:

  • Why “orgasm skills” alone will never make you the transcendent lover your woman craves…
  • The 10 Levels of Arousal and how to use them to read her so well in bed that you always know what to do next to send her completely over the edge…
  • The “Soulmate Gaze” that makes her feel incredibly connected and free to share her fantasies with you (it also has the pleasant side-effect of increasing her libido)…
  • How to seamlessly switch between different stimulation tactics to “Cluster Bomb” her brain with orgasmic bliss…
  • Push Pull” stimulation methods to make her feel like you’re giving her more than one orgasm at the same time…
  • The “Orgasm Expander” to turn ordinary bedroom sessions into body-quaking symphonies of pleasure (she’ll practically worship you once you master this)…

And that’s just a small taste of what you’ll find…

The beautiful thing about The O4™ Method is that it actually allows you “feel” what a Natural feels…

So you know how he thinks, how he moves, and how he knows what to do next…

This immersive deep dive is almost like INSTALLING these 4 fundamental orgasmic skills right into your very nervous system.

So that delivering soul-rattling orgasmic pleasure that changes her life becomes as automatic as blinking.

Now in a second… I’m going to give you the opportunity to have this power all to yourself…

But before I do… I want to prove to you that The O4 Method™ - like all my training programs - really can deliver between the sheets and beyond just like I say it can.

So I Want You to Hear From Some Other Men Who’ve

Transformed Their Sex Lives With What They Learned...

Rick S. from Perth said this:

demanded I fuck her senseless in whatever hole I wanted

"Received and the material is awesome, put it into practice already. My girlfriend got that turned on and started squirting while enjoying orgasm after orgasm, then demanded I fuck her senseless in whatever hole I wanted. I made her say 'please', she did and then it was on. What a wicked couple nights for many hours. Cheers mate."

Ross C. from the UK:

Was skeptical at first to be honest, but it actually works really well!

“Hey Lloyd, just a little message to let you know that you’re the man! Last night was crazy... some of your techniques are simply faultless. I've been with my girl for 5 years and gave her lots of good clit orgasms in that time, but last night was her first g-spot one. She said she’d never felt anything like it and that made me feel great. I was skeptical at first to be honest, but it actually works really well! I couldn't believe it all this power from one program - you've done a great job dude.”

Blair C from New York:

your advice has saved my marriage, and has led to the best sex we've ever had

“Normally I'm skeptical about endorsement letters that praise a product or service too highly, but I can honestly say to you that your advice has saved my marriage, and has led to the best sex we've ever had (including the four extra times during the remainder of that evening!)"

How Would You Like To Be More 

Sexually Powerful Than ANY Man You Know?

How Would You Like To Be More 

Sexually Powerful Than ANY Man You Know?

How would you like to know with 100% certainty that once she experiences the smallest sample of the delights you’ll be delivering on a nightly basis…

No other man could ever make her feel the same way?

How would you like her to look up at you with big, puppy dog eyes and see the look of total love and devotion…

The look that lets you know she trusts you and relies upon you completely?

How would you like to experience her sweet, feminine side as she eagerly treats you like a king, lavishes you with attention, and works hard to make you happy?

I’m sure you can feel just how much of a difference having this power could mean for your life…

You know that I invested over $5K to finally unravel the secrets of Naturals… men who made women feel more Earthly pleasure than they even knew was possible.

So if you’re being honest, I’m sure you could agree that investing $297 would be a very fair deal…

Heck, that would actually be CHEAP.

But I Know You’re Probably A Guy That

Works Hard For Everything You’ve Gotten In Your Life...

But I Know You’re Probably A Guy That

Works Hard For Everything You’ve Gotten In Your Life...

Very few of the men I coach are multi-millionaires. Most of them are blue-blooded, hardworking guys that pack their own lunch and bring it with them…

And even though I’m sure you can understand that this training really is a steal at $297…

Sometimes it can just be difficult to justify it… doubt and hesitation might creep in and prevent you from taking ACTION!

And that’s the last thing that I want.

I really want to make it easy for you to say YES and to give yourself this gift that we both know you need…

…and I know you deserve…

So I’m going to do something a little crazy here… 

And give you access to the entire digitally delivered The O4 Method™ materials…

For a huge, mind-blowing discount.

And just to sweeten the pot… and make this…

A Completely Irresistible Deal

You Couldn’t Possibly Pass Up...

I want to make this easy for you...

I want you to feel - deep down in the core of your soul - the incredible deal that you’re getting.

Which is why I decided to include a couple of other juicy bonuses that are going to add some extra sizzle to your bedroom sessions…

The BrainGasm Effect: How To Stimulate Her Mind & Electrify Every Inch Of Her Body! ($47 Value)

Now that you possess 4 unique sexual superpowers to give your woman hours of intense orgasmic satisfaction…

I want to give you a method to up the ante and give her intense sexual pleasure…

Without even touching her!

Here’s what this 5th Sexual Superpower will do for you:

  • How to hack into her most intimate and erotic fantasies and convert them into “hands-free” orgasms that rock her to her core…
  • Turn her mind into a virtual “playground” to unleash new fantasies and fetishes she never knew she had (and use them to give her body-quaking orgasms without laying a finger on her)…
  • How to “hijack” the most intense sexual experiences of her past and amplify them to make her body “re-live” them over and over in real time…

This guide has been a bestseller for me at $47 but today you’re gonna get it gratis just for saying YES.

Bonus 2:

Soul-Quaking Sex Position: Makes You Wanna Drop This Book & Do It On The Spot ($47 Value)

No more putting her feet to sleep with boring missionary…

By the time you’re done with this guide you’ll have everything you need rock her world in multiple ways you probably have never even thought of before.

Here’s a few just to spark your imagination:

  • 3 ways to add a new twist to “girl on top” that will send shockwaves of thigh-quivering pleasure through her body…
  • Send her over the edge with “standing” positions that won’t wear you out or make you pull a hamstring (forget what you see in porn movies… I’ll show you how to rock her the right way while standing up)…
  • 5 little-known “leverage points” that help you drive insane pleasure into her body (plus, the EXACT positions that let you take advantage of them)…

This 6th Sexual Superpower could sell for $47 on its own… but it’s my gift to you.

Let’s Add It All Up…

Just So You Can See The Value You’re Getting…

The O4™ Method - 4 Sexual Superpowers for Body-Rocking Orgasms (plus Sexual Synergy) - $297 Value

The BrainGasm Effect - $97 Value

Soul-Quaking Sex Positions - $97 Value

Audio MP3 Of The O4™ Method And All Its Bonuses - $97 Value

Adding it all up it’s a value of $588

Wouldn’t you pay $588 to bring the fire back into the bedroom…

To have her bragging to her friends about how good you are…

How about having her look at you again like you’re THE MAN of her dreams...

A man she respects, adores… even worships?

Then you’ll love to know that since you’re pulling the trigger right here today… you’re going to get the 
whole enchilada for
just $97

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97

But you have to act right now!

Now, I’ve done my part to help you secure your discount here today...

But I also understand you might be on the fence about it.

I’m sure you can realize what kind of opportunity this is and what kind of true bargain you’re getting…

So take away every excuse you might have about why you wouldn’t give yourself and your bedmate the gift of mind blowing orgasms that make both of your lives better…

I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.

I’m going back up every claim, every promise, every suggestion I’ve made on this page…

With An Astonishing...

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97

I’m sure if you walked into Home Depot and got nearly $400 worth of stuff for less than $50 you’d feel like you won lottery…

Heck, in a way… you might even feel like you were robbing them blind…

And all you have to do to take advantage of this deal and get access today is to click the order button below…

Fill in your details using any major credit card, debit card, or even PayPal on the next page…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97

Once you’re inside… you’ll have access to the whole system plus all of the bonuses anytime you need it… FOR LIFE!

There are no recurring fees to keep your membership and you’ll never be charged another dime.

So click the order button below… and discover the special treatment that delivering transcendent bedroom pleasure has in your life…

How your woman will practically worship you… how she’ll appreciate you and respect you more...

To catch the sparkle in her eyes when she looks at you with ADMIRATION…

To hear her heap praise on you when you tickle her spots and send her over the edge in ways she's never felt before

Ok, it’s time to take action…

You’re Standing At A Crossroads…

And There Are Only 2 Ways to Go From Here...

Road #1:

Is to click away from this page right now…

Continue to feel the anxiety and uncertainty over whether or not you can truly please her…

Continue to argue with her unnecessarily over foolish, trivial things that zap your energy and take the joy out of your relationship…

Continue to feel like she could leave you at any moment and seek her satisfaction elsewhere...

But the problems you have won’t go away… and tomorrow will be just like today.

Which is why you should get out of your own way, be a self-defined man, and take…

ROAD #2:

And just say YES right now.

Give yourself the gift of truly exceptional sexual prowess that makes her speak in tongues...

Become the guy she gushes about and whispers over when she’s out with her friends…

Take your rightful place as her personal HERO, the guy she admires, looks up to, and could never even imagine living without...

That’s the difference that truly exceptional sex can have in your life…

How it can make every part of your life and your relationship better.

You’ll satisfy her in ways she might not even know are possible right now…

It’s all just one, short click away…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97

With the Iron Clad 60 Day Guarantee there’s truly NO RISK…

You don’t want to end up an old man filled with regret and bitterness just because you weren’t willing to take one small action.

Remember… I’m not even asking you to say “yes” right NOW… I’m just asking you to say “maybe.”

You’ll have 60 full days to prove to yourself that The O4™ Method can deliver the goods.

You know you deserve it...

And I look forward to hearing about your success soon.

FAQs About The O4 Method™

Q: Is this just an “orgasm secrets” book?

A: Absolutely NOT!

A woman can have an orgasm with her vibrator, but a truly powerful lover who creates symphonies of sexual pleasure that move her mind, body and soul, is far more rare.

That’s the difference between giving her orgasms and the power you’ll possess once you complete your training with
The O4 Method™.

Q: How many times per week will I have sex after this?

A: You should shoot for at least 4

I know that if you’re starting from a point where a lot of men in my tribe are starting… that might sound like a tall order.

And obviously I can’t promise you any results because I don’t know you, what kind of effort you’ll put in, etc.

But if you’re willing to make a little effort…
The O4 Method™ can transform you and your sex life like NOTHING else on the planet.

Q: I’m not married, can this work for me?


I know how “cutthroat” competitive the dating world has become.

Heck it’s to the point where even tall, handsome guys are struggling.

The beautiful thing about
The O4 Method™ is it makes you INCOMPARABLE to any guy out there…

Unless he happens to be a Natural (about 1/200 chance)... he just won’t be able to compete.

It’s not like she’ll just be addicted to you… it’s like she’ll WORSHIP the ground you walk on.

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97

Q: I already have a good sex life. Can this help me?

A: Absolutely!

If you have a good sex life already that means you’re good… but let me ask you…

Are ladies literally dragging you off to the bedroom to let you ravish them?

Do you get text messages BEGGING you for booty calls?

Does she paw at you every time you’re alone to “do that thing you did the other night…”?

Would you like those things to happen?

Then you need
The O4 Method™

Q: What if I’m with a woman who doesn’t orgasm easily?

A: No problem!

The reason many women struggle to orgasm is that men don’t really know how to read and react in real time to give them the awe-inspiring pleasure she craves.

Once you understand how to do this, and you have a proven arsenal of 4 Sexual Superpowers you can apply to make it happen… thigh-shivering orgasms that leave her speechless become INEVITABLE.

Q: How Is This Program Delivered?

A: It’s 100% Digital!

No waiting for FedEx to ship a box to you… you get instant access to the program 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97

Q: Is This A Bunch of Videos?

A: No, It’s Easy to Read Guides…

I know there’s a lot of content out there where attractive women get naked and “teach sex.”

And look, I’m a fan of some of these programs myself because I do think that they help couples and contain quality instruction.

But, I think that their entertainment value outweighs their transformative power…

That’s not me bashing them… it’s just my opinion.

The O4 Method™ isn’t designed to entertain you, it isn’t designed to tantalize your eyeballs, it isn’t designed with gimmicks in mind to distract you…

It’s designed to do ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY!

Transform you into a rare lover that gives ANY woman seismic sexual pleasure that can
literally change her life (and yours too)!

If you haven’t known the pleasure of not just having your woman lust after you every night…

Not just having her practically dislocate your shoulder trying to drag YOU off to the bedroom for a change…

But unlocking a sweet, supportive, supremely feminine personality that actually WANTS to please her man.

Q: Is My Information Secure?

A: 100% Secure!

In order to provide the highest level of security, I’ve partnered with ClickBank, the world’s largest network of digital publishers.

Their 256-Bit Secure Encryption algorithm ensures that your data is SAFE!

It’s the exact same technology that companies like Amazon and Apple use to protect their customers.

You can ensure that your information is never stored and is secure.

Q: Will I Be Rebilled Again For Any Reason?

A: Absolutely Not!

This is a one-time only payment.

I like to deal with people squarely with no tricks, red tape, or hidden contracts.

Hit the order button below, enter your details, and enjoy being a veritable god in the bedroom… it’s a simple, straightforward deal.

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97